
Whether it is the missing piece in your wardrobe, or simply that your fingers have turned blue with cold far too many times, the men’s leather glove is an exceptionally versatile and practical piece of clothing. What follows is a handy – pun sadly intended – guide to picking the perfect item for your needs like women leather gloves.

To begin with, you need to find something that visually appeals to you. While it may seem obvious to repeat, men’s leather gloves are an accessory, and therefore not essential. If you do not like how they look, or feel comfortable wearing them, you will find that more often than not they will get left at home, or forgotten. The best place to find the largest selection of gloves is on the internet, so have a good browse to find the one you like, keeping in mind the rest of the advice of this article.

Glove sizes thankfully range above and beyond the S,M,L – as you certainly don’t want to refute the old cliché with one that doesn’t fit well. On your dominant hand, measure round the lowest knuckle of your little finger to the flesh above the webbing of your thumb. Then convert into inches (multiply by 2.54) rounding up to the nearest half to provide you with your size.

The materials used are a key consideration: your hands are very rarely stationary, so buying poor quality leather will mean that they wear and fray exceptionally quickly. Moreover, your hands are certainly not simple shapes, which mean that there are a lot of seams where poor workmanship will easily let you down. Choosing the cheapest option you find is in fact a false economy.

• To avoid this problem, you should ensure that they are at least made from Nappa or Napa leather, as its namesake tanning process means that it is soft and supple.
• For those wishing to go that extra step Hairsheep leather is made from a sheep that has been bred to grow hair, not wool. It is particularly suited to men’s leather gloves as it is finer than other leathers, meaning it is soft, supple and less bulky, while still retaining the strength.
• Deerskin leather is naturally tougher than sheep or cow leather, while still being equally soft, luxurious and supple; it is therefore more expensive, but more durable than the previous types.
• Finally, peccary leather is the world’s finest leather for gloves. Sourced from a South American wild pig, it is simply the softest and strongest and most expensive – no need for any more adjectives like black leather gloves.



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